Choosing to opt out of the medical system and into a sovereign birth is such a huge and exciting shift. Whether you have been interested in birth outside of the system for a  long time, or this is all totally new to you, you are in the right place to find wise sisters to support your dream birth.

When we say “sovereign birth support,” we are referring to non-medical birth professionals who are intentionally not licensed or regulated by any governing body or medical boards. Many sovereign professionals here have been trained and certified through Free Birth Society’s educational programs, but they are entirely independent. A sovereign birth professional serves you, the mother, and answers only to you.

Your birth professional will get to know you and your birth vision throughout the course of your pregnancy. As the two of you connect, she will be there for questions, worth through fears, and help to educate you on the process of birth. If the agreement is for her to attend your birth, then she will be on call for you as your birthing season draws near. 

What might a sovereign birth professional do at your birth? This of course varies to some degree based on the professional you choose to work with, but there is a logistical element of birth support as well as an energetic element.

Logistically, your sovereign birth professional is there to do whatever needs to be done in the home. That can look like making sure you have water, tending to other children or nervous partners, filling the birth pool, or any number of tasks that don’t need to be on your mind as you travel through the birth portal to bring your baby home.

Energetically, she is holding space for you as you do the most important, transformational work of your life!  We find that most women do want a sisterly presence at their births, and that is one way she can show up for you. 

You might decide that you’d like to have sisterly support during your birth, but do not want anyone else in your space, or you’re unable to find someone within a reasonable traveling radius. Virtual birth support is a way to receive support while remaining alone or surrounded by just family. A virtual birth professional will be similarly on call for you; literally a phone or video call away to hold space for you from anywhere in the world. There are naturally downsides to virtual support, the birth-worker isn’t there, so she won’t be able to get the same sense of things, but many women still find great value in this option. 

It is important to understand, unlike in industrial birth, in the sovereign birth paradigm, hiring a sister to walk with you doesn’t make her in charge of you, or your baby. You are responsible for yourself, as your birth witness is responsible for herself. Sovereign birth professionals do not make decisions for you, they do not medically assess or diagnose, and they do not tell you what to do. They support you to be your own decision maker. 

If you are ready to take full responsibility for your birth experience and stay outside of the medical system, hiring a sovereign birth professional may be a wonderful addition to your team! 

Looking for sovereign support in another era of womanhood? Check out our sovereign professionals specializing in menstrual cycle coaching, birth trauma integration, birth education, and postpartum support.

Take the Next Step: Find Your Sovereign Birth Support

Now that you understand the unique role of a sovereign birth professional, it’s time to explore your options. The MatriBirth Directory is the largest formal listing of professionals supporting sovereign pregnancy, birth, and women’s health. Whether you’re seeking a sister to walk with you through birth, cycle coaching, or postpartum support, you’ll find the right match in our directory.

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