Coined and popularized by Free Birth Society founder, Emilee Saldaya, as a response to the epidemic of birth trauma happening within the medical system, Birth Trauma Integration coaching has exploded in popularity over the past decade, as women seek a sovereign professional to unpack the depths of her story. 

As of 2018, the National Institute of Health found that up to 45% of new mothers have reported that they experienced birth trauma. We think this is a dramatic underestimation, and our own polling has shown it is closer to 80-90% of mothers feeling somewhere between unhappy to traumatized after their births. 

Birth Trauma Integration Sessions are a crucial antidote for the real women behind the devastating statistics. 

This model offers a mother the opportunity to tell her story to a wise sister completely outside the system, who will witness and guide her through the processing of her experience.

Three years ago I shared my birth story for the first time. You [Emilee] asked me what, at the time, felt like hard questions and I began to unravel the web of lies the hospital told me.” – Kendra, Utah 

“Sharing my story, getting clarity on my areas of confusion, and finally having someone give it to me straight was the missing piece I needed so much to finally move forward from the pain of my first birth.” Lisa, Canada 

“I had actually never even told anyone my full story before, that alone was life-changing.” Mariah, Wisconsin 

What Does A Birth Trauma Integration Session Look Like? 

Birth within the medical system frequently leaves women feeling sad, angry, and with a lot of questions. The goal of these sessions is to offer a totally supportive and loving space to tell your full story, (Perhaps for the first time!) help you get clear on what happened, and orient you toward healing.

  • Your coach will sit with you in sisterhood, listen to your story, and honor the depth of your experience. This is a hugely important part of the healing process.
  • You may have questions about the logistical elements of your birth; for example “Why was I injected with something after my baby was born?” or  “Did I really need an induction?” A skilled sovereign professional will be familiar with how women and babies are treated in the system and can help flesh out the details of common obstetric and medical midwifery practices.
  • This is more than just a simple reframing. There’s no way to re-write your birth story, but you can receive clarity on any points of confusion and add a new layer of understanding, both logistically and energetically.
  • There should also be an emphasis on “what’s next” in these sessions, and your coach will likely offer healing modalities, ideas, and next steps towards integration. 

Why Is This Needed?

Women are entering (and re-entering) motherhood wounded. Birth trauma can severely impact your confidence in mothering, your relationship with your newborn, and your overall well being in ways both big and small.

Birth Trauma Integration Sessions are a path to healing.

Is A Birth Trauma Integration Session Right For Me?

Only you can know if you are ready for a session like this, however, if you are feeling upset or confused by anything that happened in your birth, that’s usually a sign there is more to unpack. 

We as women tend to downplay our trauma. We may compare our story to those of other women and think “well my birth wasn’t that bad, so I shouldn’t complain.” Trauma exists on a spectrum; if something isn’t sitting right with you, it might be time to book a session with one of our sovereign professionals.

You are not alone, sister, and healing is available to you. You deserve to be seen, heard, and supported.

If you feel that it’s time to process your birth story and begin the journey to wholeness, consider searching our directory for a Birth Trauma Integration Session by one of our trusted professionals.

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